Injection blow molding process

General Knowledge on IBM

Injection blow molding process(IBM) is a method

Ultra-Thin-Wall GPPS box

0.6mm Thick GPPS Box

This product is a high-gloss, clear ultra-thin-wall


About Plastic Mold Hardening

Plastic mold steel hardening, what, where, why

Price Comparison of Mold Steel Types

Price Comparison of Mold Steel Types

The above is an bar chart comparing

mold steel types

Common Steel Types For Plastic Molds

In the plastic injection molding industry, different types of steel are commonly
Example of An Actual Mold Base

Why Should Go For A Standard Mold Base

A standard mold base for a plastic

Basics of Bottle Threads and Necks

Basics of Bottle Threads and Necks

The design of a plastic bottle’s neck


Polypropylene -Types & Applications

PP-C's impact resistance and flexibility make it preferred for various consumer goods, including storage containers and household products.

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